Monday, August 11, 2008

Homeless Musician on Tour?

Perhaps you have never met Ralph Clark but chances are you have heard him serenading the WEST 118 freeway exit of Tampa Avenue.

Clark is a homeless man who everyday for the past 12 years has been playing his saxophone to help himself survive.

“It’s a good thing I don’t have to pay rent…because with my salary I can barely afford a $0.99 cheeseburger,” jokes Clark.

Clark’s salary ranges from $15 to $45 a day however his top performance earned him a $200 check that ironically bounced.

Unlike other homeless people, Clark decided to not ask for handouts but rather tips.

“A lot of people say that homeless people are just that bums with no work ethic and I don’t want people thinking that about me…I got the idea to play the saxophone for residents from [former President] Bill Clinton, he played the saxophone and look how well he turned out,” said Clark.

And, Clark is still following politics.

As the presidential race heats up between McCain and Obama, Clark is curious to learn more about what each candidate plans to do to deal with the homelessness issue in the United States.

“Ha! Probably not much since we don’t vote they a lot of other people don’t care about us,” said Clark as he eats a Jumbo Jack sandwich while being interviewed.

Perhaps, Clark is onto to something most candidates avoid the issue of homelessness in the United States as a self inflicted wound dating back to the late President Ronald Reagan.

In all the debates between the Republican and Democratic Party during the primary season, the issue was rarely brought up if even at all and the one time the topic got serious was when homelessness was mirrored with immigration.

“It is something a lot of Americans do not want to deal with because most homeless people are minorities, unattractive, uneducated, physically weak, and perceived drug abusers, said Timo Basset of the Feed the Hungry Campaign.

However, many Americans may have to deal with this issue sooner rather than later.

Homelessness is on the rise in every major metropolitan city with Los Angeles suffering the highest increase and it isn’t expected to slow down.

As the housing market crisis continues to take homes from more families many analysts are projecting homelessness to continue rising.

Homelessness is defined as not having a permanent residence... so anyone living out of motels or in one’s car is considered homeless said Tent City Coordinator Lisa Foire.

In a sense of truly modern thinking both Basset and Foire think eventually someone will solve and fix the homeless situation.

The optimism does not extend to Clark who in his twelfth year literally on the streets said, “they will never solve the homeless issue because all the people in power are not homeless so what do they care.”

Clark went on to say, “politicians, the people, and powers that be are all more concerned with helping and saving people overseas, or flying to the moon, or cutting greenhouse emission rather than help me buy some grocery’s.

Clark may be onto something again as latest polls show most Americans consider gas prices to be the top priority.

Clark, Basset, and Foire are all trying to remind people the seriousness of homeless and hope their voices will be heard by the powers that be but I don’t it.

Why… well Obama and McCain have dinner fundraisers to attend of course.


Anonymous said...

Interesting story, and well educated for a homeless person but I think that's the point of the article. However, homelessness is a huge issue that nobody ever seems comfortable talking about yet people with no knowledge on Islam always talk about the Middle East, go figure

TL Nine said...

cool story

Anonymous said...

Your blog really made me think. To be completely honest I do not remember the last time I thought about homeless people and the lives they live and how voters can change these conditions.